One of the initial steps in process safety management (PSM) implementation is to complete a qualitative gap analysis against the PSM standard (in this case, the CSA Z767 standard). To perform this gap analysis, PSM self-assessment worksheets have been developed. These documents are for the process safety culture element.
Process safety culture is the collective mindset of the organization with respect to safety and risk, including attitudes and behaviours.
The self-assessment and action plan worksheet on the left and the resources and industry best practices listed on the right are intended to help integrate the process safety culture element into your workplace.
Learn more about the PSM initiative here.
Key Resources
- Integrating Process Safety Management into Canadian Wood Pellet Facilities that Generate Combustible Wood Dust [Rayner Brown, K., Murray, G., Laturnus, B., Yazdanpanah, F., Cloney, C., Amyotte, P.R. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 102, 4085-4103., 2024]
- Managing Risks in Manufacturing Workplaces: How to Use the Self-Evaluation Tool [WorkSafeBC, 2022].
- Enhancing Health & Safety Culture & Performance: Self-Evaluation Tool for Managing Risks in Manufacturing Workplaces [WorkSafeBC, 2023].
Industry Best Practices
- Building Process Safety Culture Tool Kit: Tools to Enhance Process Safety Performance [Center for Chemical Process Safety, 2021]
- Enhancing Health & Safety Culture & Performance [WorkSafeBC, 2023]
- Example Safety Culture Policy Statement [Transport Canada, 2021]
- Extract from Inspectors’ Human Factors Toolkit: Safety Culture Questions [Health & Safety Executive, n.d]
- Chronic Unease: Learning from Incidents – Examples of Weak Signals and Mind Traps [Shell, 2023]
- Hearts and Minds Safety Culture Toolkit [Energy Institute, 2023]
- How to Ensure Sustainable Process Safety Performance – Strategies for Managing, Maintaining, and Improving PSM Systems [Arendt, S. and Manton, M., 2015]
- Organisational Culture: Guidance [Health & Safety Executive, 2023]
- Safety Climate and Safety Culture Videos, Assessment Guidance, Factsheet (Safety culture, climate and leadership), Factsheet (Getting the most out of your safety climate survey) [WorkSafe Queensland, 2023]
- Safety Culture: A Guide to Effective Measurement and Improvement [Manufacturing Safety Alliance of British Columbia, n.d.]