Faced with an ever-warming planet, sustainable, renewable wood pellets are being used around the world to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Wood pellets, sourced from responsible producers in well-regulated countries like Canada, are unquestionably a sustainable, renewable, low-carbon solution to climate change and hold the promise of a clean-energy future.

Our Commitment
The Wood Pellet Association of Canada and its members are committed to supplying the world with responsible and renewable clean energy.

Climate Change
Canada’s wood pellet producers are committed to combatting climate change by supplying the world with green energy from renewable, sustainable biomass.

Responsible Sourcing
Produced entirely from the residuals of sustainably managed forests, Canadian wood pellets are sold around the world to produce clean energy, displace fossil fuels and support efforts to meet important global climate-change targets. The Canadian wood pellet sector exists primarily to make better use of forests that are already being harvested.

Global customers are committed to sustainability throughout their supply chains. Ensuring the legality and sustainability of their biomass supply is critical to their business models.

Communities + People
Wood pellets play a key role in helping communities create robust, sustainable economies while addressing the challenges of balancing economic development with conservation and community values.