Are you a member of the WPAC Safety Committee or want to become one? You’ll find everything you need on this page.
Safety Committee Member Responsibilities:
- To treat the committee as a high priority commitment and will make ever effort to attend meetings and conference calls.
- To refrain from treating safety as a competitive advantage.
- To cooperate and be open about sharing safety information that would benefit the collective safety of our industry.
- To commit to apply what is learned from the Safety Committee’s work to raise their own company safety performance to the highest level.
- To be aware that each company’s individual safety performance reflects on the reputation of the entire industry.
Operation of the Safety Committee:
- Members meet by conference calls for one hour on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time.
- The Safety Committee prepares an annual workplan and monitors progress against this plan on each conference call.
- Safety Committee members each volunteer to take responsibility for specific task from the annual workplan.
- All Canadian pellet producers are welcome to join the Safety Committee.
Read the 2025 Workplan: WPAC Safety Committee Workplan
Looking for past Workplans? You can find them here.
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Interested in becoming a member of the WPAC safety committee?