Low-Value Wood Waste Generates Environmental, Social, and Economic Benefits in Fort St. James

Forest Enhancement Society of BC News Release

Fort St. James, B.C. – With funding from the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC), uneconomic residual fibre is being delivered from locations farther from town to BioNorth Energy, a joint venture partnership between Arrow Group of Companies (Arrow), the Nak’azdli Development Corporation (NDC), the economic development arm of the Nak’azdli First Nation, and low-carbon infrastructure developer, Nexus PMG. The project, which began in the fall of 2023 after an intense wildfire season, will finalize this winter, helping reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere while also generating economic and social benefits for the community of Fort St. James.

“I want to commend the work of Arrow, NDC and Nexus PMG,” said Ravi Parmar, Minister of Forests. “By getting residual fibre out of our forests and into the hands of those who need it and can use it, they are creating jobs and revenue from what would have once been waste. During times of uncertainty, they show that by working together, the forest sector and communities can have a major impact in ensuring forestry workers continue to have stable and steady jobs.”

The project focuses on grinding residual logging debris into feedstock for BioNorth Energy, a 40-mega-watt biomass power generation plant in Fort St. James.

Read the full news release.