Forest Enhancement Society of BC News Release
Kamloops, B.C. – The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) continues to accept applications to fund forest enhancement projects, year-round. In the Provincial Government’s Budget 2024, FESBC was entrusted with $60 million in funding; $20 million to be allocated each year over the next three years. Projects to receive funding are those whose primary goal is wildfire risk reduction, enhanced wood fibre utilization, or both, while also achieving additional benefits such as wildlife habitat enhancement, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from utilizing wood fibre, improving recreational opportunities, and rehabilitating forests.

“Forests are at the heart of our identity in B.C., and we are all responsible for ensuring their future,” said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Forests. “The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) has played a pivotal role in our work to support a strong and sustainable forest sector. FESBC is supporting projects that focus on better fibre utilization and wildfire risk reduction, helping to slow or stop the spread of wildfires by removing fuel from forests and also getting more fibre into the hands of the forestry sector. This provides jobs, keeps businesses running, and builds thriving families and communities across B.C.”
The funding will help local people who are interested in doing thoughtful forest enhancement work in their local communities. These initiatives have been crucial and have led to significant economic, environmental, and social benefits in communities through the 300+ projects FESBC has funded since its inception in 2016.